英语小故事30字 50字

网站小编 2023-07-21 13:16:36 1

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to read. She would spend hours at the library, devouring books of all kinds. One day, she stumbled upon a dusty old book that looked like it hadn't been touched in years. As she opened it, she was transported to a magical world where she met a talking rabbit and a mischievous fairy. Together, they went on a wild adventure, encountering dragons, unicorns, and other mythical creatures.

英语小故事30字 50字

As they journeyed through this enchanted land, Lily realized that she had a special power - the power of words. With just a few well-chosen words, she could make anything happen. She used this power to help her new friends, and together they defeated the evil sorcerer who had been terrorizing the land.

After their victory, Lily returned home, but she knew that she would never forget her amazing adventure. From that day on, she wrote stories of her own, inspired by the magical world she had visited. And whenever she needed a little bit of magic in her life, she would open that dusty old book and be transported once again.

The end.





Another story:

There was once a little boy named Jack who loved to play in the park. One day, he found a shiny red ball lying on the ground. He picked it up and started to play with it, bouncing it back and forth between his hands.

But as he played, he noticed that the ball seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Soon, it was too big for him to hold, and it started to roll away from him. Jack chased after it, but it was moving too fast. It rolled through the park gates and down the street, with Jack following close behind.

Finally, the ball came to a stop in front of a mysterious old house. Jack cautiously approached the door and knocked. To his surprise, it swung open, revealing a room full of toys and games.

Jack couldn't believe his luck. He spent hours playing with all the toys, but as the sun began to set, he realized that he needed to go home. As he was leaving, he turned back to thank whoever had let him play with the toys. But the door was gone, and the house had disappeared, leaving only an empty lot behind.

Jack never forgot about the magical house, and he often wondered if it had been a dream. But every time he passed by that empty lot, he could still hear the faint sound of children laughing and playing.

The end.

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