Reception是一个多义词,可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。在不同的语境中,它有着不同的意义和用法。下面将从这三个方面详细介绍reception的用法及例句。 1. 接待处,前台 例如: The receptionist greeted me with a smile.(接待员微笑着迎接了我。)Please go to the reception and ask for directions.(请到前台询问方向。)2. 接待会 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 例如: The wedding reception was held in a grand hotel.(婚礼接待会在一家豪华酒店举行。)The company held a reception to celebrate its anniversary.(公司举办了一场庆祝周年纪念的接待会。)3. 接收,理解 例如: The book received a mixed reception from critics.(这本书在评论家中获得了褒贬不一的评价。)His ideas were not well received by the audience.(他的想法没有得到观众的好评。)二、作为动词的用法1. 接待,迎接 例如: The hotel staff receptioned us warmly.(酒店员工热情地接待了我们。)The ambassador was receptioned by the president of the country.(大使受到了该国总统的接见。)2. 接收,领会 例如: She couldn't reception the news of her father's death.(她无法接受父亲去世的消息。)He receptioned the criticism with humility.(他虚心接受了批评。)三、作为形容词的用法1. 接待的,迎接的 例如: The reception committee was responsible for welcoming the guests.(接待委员会负责欢迎来宾。)The reception desk is located in the lobby.(前台位于大厅。)2. 接收的,接受的 例如: The company has a reception policy for new employees.(公司有一个针对新员工的接收政策。)Her ideas were well receptioned by the audience.(她的想法得到了观众的好评。)3. 接待用的,接收用的 例如: The hotel has a reception room for VIP guests.(酒店为贵宾提供接待用的房间。)The company has a reception area for visitors.(公司为访客设置了接待用的区域。)总之,reception是一个非常常用的词汇,具有多种用法和意义。在不同的语境中,我们需要根据具体情况来选择合适的用法。掌握好这个词汇的用法,可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用英语。 |