Protective是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“保护的”。这个词语可以用在很多不同的场合中,包括描述人、事物或者行为。下面我们来看看protective这个词语的用法及例句。 1. 描述人 当我们想要形容一个人很关心、很爱护别人时,可以使用protective这个词语。比如: He is very protective of his younger sister.She is very protective of her children.The mother was very protective of her newborn baby.2. 描述事物 您可能还想了解: 安于盘石大全|安于盘石详解 | toxic是什么意思|toxic代表什么意思 当我们想要形容一种物品或者设备能够保护人们的安全时,也可以使用protective这个词语。比如: The workers wore protective clothing and goggles to prevent injury.The helmet is a protective gear for the head.The car has a protective covering to prevent damage from the sun and rain.3. 描述行为 当我们想要形容一种行为是为了保护自己或者别人时,也可以使用protective这个词语。比如: The police officer was very protective of the citizens in the area.She carried pepper spray for protective purposes.The security guard was very protective of the building and its occupants.除了以上的用法,protective这个词语还可以用在其他一些场合中。比如: 4. 描述感觉 当我们感到某种事物或者人让我们感到安全和保护时,可以使用protective这个词语。比如: Being surrounded by friends made her feel protective and secure.The warm blanket made him feel protective and cozy.5. 描述性格 当我们想要形容一个人的性格是很关心、很爱护别人时,也可以使用protective这个词语。比如: She has a very protective personality and always looks out for her friends.He is very protective of his family and will do anything to keep them safe.总之,protective这个词语是一个非常常用的英语单词,它可以用于形容人、事物或者行为。无论在哪种场合中,都能够传达出保护和安全的含义。 |