Overrun是一个常用的动词,它有多种用法和含义。在不同的语境中,它可以表示超过、溢出、淹没、充斥、蔓延等意思。以下是一些常见的用法及例句。 1. 超过 Overrun可以表示超过某个数量或限制。 例句: 您可能还想了解: 安于盘石大全|安于盘石详解 | toxic是什么意思|toxic代表什么意思 The cost of the project has overrun its budget.The number of visitors to the museum has overrun our expectations.2. 溢出 Overrun还可以表示某物超出了容器的限制,溢出来了。 例句: The milk boiled over and overrun the pot.The river has overrun its banks and flooded the nearby fields.3. 充斥 Overrun也可以表示某物充斥着某个地方,弥漫开来。 例句: The city is overrun with tourists during the summer months.The office was overrun with paperwork and files.4. 蔓延 Overrun还可以表示某种情况或现象蔓延到其他地方或影响到其他人。 例句: The virus has overrun the entire country in a matter of weeks.The riots have overrun the city and caused widespread destruction.除了以上几种常见的用法外,overrun还有一些其他的含义和用法。例如: 5. 突破 Overrun可以表示突破某个障碍或限制。 例句: The soldiers managed to overrun the enemy's defenses and capture the city.Our team overran the opposition and won the game by a large margin.6. 预定数量不足 Overrun还可以表示预定数量不足,无法满足需求。 例句: The company has overrun its production capacity and cannot fulfill all orders.The restaurant has overrun its reservation list and cannot accommodate any more guests.7. 运行时间超出 Overrun还可以表示某个任务或进程的运行时间超出了预期。 例句: The program has overrun its allotted time and needs to be terminated.The meeting has overrun its scheduled time and needs to be adjourned.总的来说,overrun是一个非常常用的词语,它可以表示多种含义和用法。在不同的语境中,我们需要根据具体情况选择正确的用法和表达方式。 |
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