Page这个词语在英语中有很多不同的用法,可以作为名词、动词和形容词。下面我们来逐一介绍。 Page作为名词,通常指的是书、报纸或者文档中的一页,也可以指网页中的一个页面。 例句: Can you turn to page 47 in your textbook?The newspaper has 20 pages today.I need to print out the first page of my resume.作为动词Page作为动词,表示给某人打电话或者发短信,以请求他们前来或者回复信息。 您可能还想了解: nomadic的名词_nomad词语用法及例句,读法! nurse的用法_nursing词语用法及例句,读法! nutrition的汉语_nutritional词语用法及例句,读法。 例句: Can you page Dr. Smith for me? I need to speak with him urgently.She paged her friend to let her know she was running late.He asked the operator to page his wife and tell her he would be home late.作为形容词Page作为形容词,通常指的是一个人的职业或者工作,即与出版物相关的工作,如编辑、记者等。 例句: She works as a page designer at a publishing company.He started his career as a page in a local newspaper.The magazine is looking for a new page editor to join their team.读法Page这个词的读音为 /peɪdʒ/。 总结Page这个词语有多种不同的用法,作为名词表示一页、页面,作为动词表示呼叫某人或者发送短信,作为形容词表示与出版物相关的工作。在口语和书面语中都很常见,需要根据具体的语境来理解其含义。 |