
网站小编 2023-07-08 10:20:21 3

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was in her second grade and loved going to school. She had a group of friends with whom she would play during recess. One day, while playing with her friends, she noticed a new girl sitting alone on the bench.


Lily walked up to her and introduced herself. The new girl's name was Emily. She had just moved to the town and was feeling lonely. Lily invited her to join their game, and soon Emily was laughing and having fun with them.

The next day, when Lily went to school, she saw Emily sitting alone again. Lily walked up to her and asked if she wanted to play with them. Emily was happy to join them, and from that day on, she became a part of their group.

One day, during class, their teacher announced that they would be doing a project in pairs. Lily's partner was absent that day, and she was worried that she would have to work alone. Emily noticed her worry and offered to be her partner. Together, they worked on the project and presented it to the class. Their teacher was impressed with their teamwork and gave them an A+.





From that day on, Lily and Emily became best friends. They would do everything together, from playing at recess to studying for exams. Lily was happy that she had made a new friend, and Emily was grateful to have found a friend like Lily.

Their friendship taught them the value of kindness and friendship. They learned that by reaching out to others, they could make a difference in someone's life. And that is what they did every day, by being kind to everyone they met.

Years later, when they graduated from high school, Lily and Emily went their separate ways. But they never forgot the lessons they learned in second grade. They remained best friends and continued to spread kindness wherever they went.

And that is the story of how Lily and Emily became best friends in second grade.

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