make progress on sth_make progress词语用法及例句,读法...
Make progress是一个常用的英语词组,它表示“取得进展”或“有所进步”的意思。在日常生活和工作中,我们经常会用到这个词组来描述自己或他人的成长和发展。下面是一些make progress的用法及例句: 用法1:make progress + in/on/at + (某个领域或任务)这种用法表示在某个领域或任务上取得了进展或进步。 He has made great progress in his English speaking skills.(他的英语口语能力有了很大的进步。)The company is making progress on its new product development.(公司在新产品开发方面正在取得进展。)I'm making progress at work and hope to get a promotion soon.(我在工作中有所进步,希望很快能得到晋升。)用法2:make progress + towards/to + (某个目标)这种用法表示朝着某个目标取得了进展或进步。 We're making progress towards our goal of becoming the top company in our industry.(我们正朝着成为行业领先企业的目标取得进展。)She's making progress towards her dream of becoming a professional musician.(她正朝着成为职业音乐家的梦想取得进展。)They're making progress towards their plan to save up enough money to travel around the world.(他们正朝着攒够足够的旅游资金的计划取得进展。)用法3:make progress + by + (某种方式或方法)这种用法表示通过某种方式或方法取得了进展或进步。 您可能还想了解: 神话故事盘古开天地的故事 童话故事经典 童话故事缩写50字 He's making progress by practicing yoga every day.(他通过每天练习瑜伽来取得进步。)She's making progress by studying with a tutor twice a week.(她通过每周跟家教学习两次来取得进展。)They're making progress by working together as a team.(他们通过团队合作来取得进步。)用法4:make progress + towards/to + (某个地点)这种用法表示朝着某个地点取得了进展或进步。 We're making progress towards our destination and should arrive in a few hours.(我们正朝着目的地取得进展,几个小时后就能到达了。)She's making progress towards the top of the mountain and hopes to reach the summit by sunset.(她正朝着山顶取得进展,希望在日落前到达山顶。)They're making progress towards the finish line and should cross it soon.(他们正朝着终点线取得进展,很快就能跨过终点线了。)用法5:make progress + (无介词)这种用法表示取得进展或进步,但不指定领域、任务、目标、方式或地点。 He's been working hard and making progress in his life.(他一直在努力工作,生活有所进步。)She's been making progress in her recovery from a serious illness.(她在从严重疾病中康复方面有所进展。)They're making progress as a couple and are planning to get married next year.(他们作为一 |
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