look after等于什么词组_look after词语用法及例句,读法。

网站小编 2023-07-09 09:30:14 10

Look after是一个常用的英语词语,它的意思是“照顾、照料、照管”。这个词语可以用于各种场合,例如家庭、学校、工作等。下面我们将详细介绍look after的用法及例句。

look after等于什么词组_look after词语用法及例句,读法。

1. 家庭场合

在家庭中,look after通常指照顾家人或照看家务。例如:

She looks after her elderly parents.He is responsible for looking after the kids while his wife is at work.Who will look after the house while we're away?

2. 学校场合





在学校中,look after通常指照顾学生或负责管理学生。例如:

The teacher looked after the students during the field trip.Who is going to look after the new students?The school counselor looks after the emotional well-being of the students.

3. 工作场合

在工作中,look after通常指照顾客户或负责管理事务。例如:

She looks after the company's social media accounts.He is in charge of looking after the VIP clients.The receptionist looks after the front desk and greets visitors.

除了以上场合,look after还可以用于其他方面的照顾,例如照顾宠物、照顾植物等。例如:

She looks after her cat like it's her own child.He loves to look after his garden and plants.

总结一下,look after这个词语可以用于各种场合,表示照顾、照料或照管。在家庭、学校、工作等不同场合中,都有着不同的应用。在日常生活中,我们也可以用这个词语来表达自己的关心和照顾。

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