Lineage是一个英语单词,它的意思是家族、血统或世系。这个词语在英语中使用频率很高,可以用于描述人类、动物或植物的血缘关系。下面是一些关于lineage的用法及例句。 Lineage可以用于描述人类的血缘关系,尤其是家族或世系中的成员。下面是一些例句: My lineage can be traced back to the 16th century.The royal lineage of England can be traced back to William the Conqueror.He is proud of his Chinese lineage and often shares stories about his ancestors.2. 用于描述动物或植物血缘关系Lineage也可以用于描述动物或植物的血缘关系,特别是在遗传学中。下面是一些例句: The lineage of this breed of dog can be traced back to ancient times.Scientists are studying the lineage of this species of plant to better understand its evolution.The researchers were able to determine the lineage of the virus by analyzing its genetic material.3. 其他用法除了上述用法,lineage还可以用于描述文化、艺术或学术领域中的传承关系。下面是一些例句: 您可能还想了解: 暴雨如()成语_暴雨如注用英文怎么表达! 沙眼是什么样子的图_砂眼的英文怎么说! 铁树开花的英语翻译_铁树开花用英文怎么表达... The lineage of jazz music can be traced back to African-American communities in the late 19th century.The lineage of this painting style can be traced back to the Renaissance period.Many scholars today study the lineage of ancient languages to better understand their evolution and influence.4. 读音和词源Lineage的读音为/ˈlɪniɪdʒ/,其中“line”意为“线条”或“血统”,“-age”是名词化后缀。这个词源可以追溯到拉丁语的“linea”,意为“线条”。 总结Lineage是一个常见的英语单词,可以用于描述人类、动物或植物的血缘关系,以及文化、艺术或学术领域中的传承关系。对于学习英语的人来说,了解这个词语的用法和例句可以帮助他们更好地掌握英语语言。 |