It's often said that money makes the world go round. But what about when you don't have a single penny to your name? How do you express the idea of being completely broke in English? There are many ways to talk about not having any money in English, from the casual to the formal. Here are a few common expressions: 1. Broke "Broke" is probably the most common way to describe someone who has no money. It's informal and can be used in a variety of contexts. For example: 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 "I can't go out tonight, I'm broke.""I've been broke before, it's not fun."2. Penniless "Penniless" is a more formal way to say that someone has no money. It's often used in writing or in more serious situations. For example: "After losing his job, he was left penniless.""The charity helps provide food and shelter for the city's penniless population."3. Flat broke "Flat broke" is another informal way to describe being completely out of money. It emphasizes the idea of having nothing at all. For example: "I'm sorry, I can't lend you any money. I'm flat broke.""I had to sell my car because I was flat broke."4. Bankrupt If someone is completely out of money and also owes more than they can pay, they may declare bankruptcy. "Bankrupt" is the term used to describe this situation. For example: "After years of struggling, the company was forced to declare bankruptcy.""He lost everything and was declared bankrupt."5. Destitute "Destitute" is a more extreme way to describe someone who has no money. It implies a complete lack of resources and often suggests a desperate situation. For example: "The refugees arrived in the country destitute and without any possessions.""She was left destitute after her husband died and she lost her job."These are just a few ways to talk about not having any money in English. Depending on the context and the level of formality, there are many other expressions you could use. But no matter how you say it, being broke is never a fun experience! |
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