Intercept是一个常见的英语单词,它可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词,它通常指拦截、截获或截断某些东西的行为或过程。作为动词,它则表示拦截、截获或截断某些东西。下面是一些使用intercept的例句,帮助你更好地理解这个词汇。 1. The police intercepted the smugglers before they could get away with the stolen goods.(警察在赃物被窃取之前截获了走私者。) 2. The quarterback threw a long pass, but it was intercepted by the opposing team's defense.(四分卫投了一个长传,但被对方防守截了下来。) 3. The spy agency intercepted a message from a foreign government that suggested an imminent attack.(间谍机构截获了一条来自外国政府的信息,表明即将发动攻击。) 您可能还想了解: 求贤若渴是什么意思 求贤若渴的意思 汆和氽的拼音分别是什么 4. The company's security system intercepted an attempted hack on their computer network.(公司的安全系统拦截了一次试图侵入其计算机网络的黑客攻击。) 5. The intercept of the enemy's radio communication gave the military a crucial advantage in battle.(敌人的无线电通讯被截获,使军队在战斗中获得了关键的优势。) 6. The interceptor missile successfully shot down the enemy's incoming missile.(拦截导弹成功地击落了敌方的进攻导弹。) 7. The police set up a checkpoint to intercept drunk drivers on the highway.(警察在高速公路上设立了检查站,以截获醉酒驾驶者。) 8. The teacher intercepted the note being passed between students in class.(老师截获了学生们在课堂上传递的纸条。) 9. The intercept of the enemy's supply lines weakened their ability to continue fighting.(敌人补给线的截获削弱了他们继续作战的能力。) 10. The interception of a pass by the defense led to a touchdown for the opposing team.(防守截获了一次传球,导致对方队取得了一个触地得分。) 以上是一些使用intercept的例句,它们展示了这个词汇在不同的场合中的用法和含义。当你想要表达拦截、截获或截断某些东西的时候,可以考虑使用intercept这个词汇。同时,在口语和写作中使用正确的发音也非常重要。intercept的读音为/ɪntər'sɛpt/,其中重音在第二个音节上。 |