
网站小编 2023-07-29 18:05:23 2



1. Basic equipment

Basic equipment是指最基本的设备或器材,通常用于日常生活中的一些基本活动。例如:

She bought some basic equipment for her new apartment, including a bed, a table and some chairs.Every camper should have some basic equipment, such as a tent, a sleeping bag and a stove.2. Specialized equipment

Specialized equipment是指一些特殊的设备或器材,通常用于一些专业领域的活动。例如:

The hospital needs to purchase some specialized equipment for the new surgery unit, including surgical tables and anesthesia machines.The construction company is using specialized equipment to dig the foundation of the new building, including excavators and bulldozers.3. Safety equipment

Safety equipment是指用于保护人们安全的设备或器材,通常用于危险环境下的活动。例如:





The workers in the factory are required to wear safety equipment, such as hard hats and safety goggles, to protect themselves from injury.The firefighters need to wear special safety equipment, including helmets and breathing apparatus, to enter the burning building.4. Sporting equipment

Sporting equipment是指用于体育运动的设备或器材,通常用于各种体育比赛或训练。例如:

The basketball team needs to have some basic sporting equipment, such as basketballs, hoops and nets, to practice and play the game.The skiers need to have specialized sporting equipment, including skis, boots and poles, to enjoy the winter sports.5. Military equipment

Military equipment是指用于军事活动的设备或器材,通常用于战争或防御。例如:

The army needs to have a lot of military equipment, such as tanks, artillery and missiles, to defend the country.The navy needs to have specialized military equipment, including submarines and aircraft carriers, to protect the sea borders.6. Audiovisual equipment

Audiovisual equipment是指用于音频和视频媒体的设备或器材,通常用于演示、展览或娱乐活动。例如:

The conference room is equipped with audiovisual equipment, such as projectors and screens, to facilitate presentations and discussions.The movie theater needs to have advanced audiovisual equipment, including surround sound systems and high-definition projectors, to provide a better viewing experience for the audience.7. Computer equipment

Computer equipment是指用于计算机操作的设备或器材,通常用于办公、学习或娱乐活动。例如:

The office needs to have some basic computer equipment, such as desktop computers and printers, to handle daily tasks and communication.The gamers need to have specialized computer equipment, including gaming keyboards and mice, to enhance their gaming performance.8. Musical equipment

Musical equipment是指用于音乐演奏或录制的设备或器材,通常用于音乐会、录音室或家庭娱乐。例如:

The band needs to have some musical equipment, such as guitars, drums and microphones, to perform on stage.<>

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