Entourage是一个英语单词,它可以用作名词或动词。作为名词,entourage指的是一群人或随行人员,通常是指某个重要人物的随从或助手,也可以指某个团体或组织的成员。作为动词,entourage意味着陪伴或跟随某人或某事物。 作为名词,entourage的常见用法如下: My boss always travels with a large entourage of assistants and security personnel.(我的老板总是带着一大群助手和安保人员出差。)The singer arrived at the concert venue surrounded by her entourage of dancers and backup singers.(歌手在一群舞者和伴唱歌手的陪伴下抵达了演唱会场地。)The politician's entourage included his wife, children, and several advisors.(那位政治家的随从包括他的妻子、孩子和几位顾问。)The entourage of fans outside the stadium was waiting eagerly for the celebrity to arrive.(体育场外的粉丝们热切地等待着名人的到来。)动词用法作为动词,entourage的常见用法如下: The president was entouraged by a group of reporters as he made his way to the podium.(总统在前往讲台的路上被一群记者跟随。)The celebrity was entouraged by her bodyguards as she left the hotel.(那位名人在离开酒店时由她的保镖陪伴着。)The team was entouraged by their fans as they walked onto the field.(球队在走上球场时受到了粉丝们的陪伴。)The bride was entouraged by her bridesmaids as she walked down the aisle.(新娘在走下通道时由伴娘陪伴着。)读音Entourage的读音是 /ˈɑːntʊrɑːʒ/。 您可能还想了解: 暴殄天物的拼音 暴殄天物的意思 暴殄天物的读音 总结Entourage这个词语的用法比较灵活,可以用作名词或动词,表示陪伴、随从、助手等含义。在实际使用中,我们需要根据具体语境来确定其意义。同时,我们也需要注意其发音,以免出现发音错误的情况。 |