Handkerchief, also known as a pocket square or hanky, is a small piece of cloth used for personal hygiene purposes such as wiping one's nose or face. It is usually made of cotton or linen and comes in various sizes and designs. The use of handkerchiefs dates back to ancient times when people used pieces of cloth to wipe their faces and hands. However, the modern handkerchief as we know it today was first introduced in Europe in the 16th century. It was initially worn by men as a fashion accessory, but later became a practical item for personal hygiene. Handkerchiefs are commonly carried in pockets or purses and are often used to wipe away sweat or tears, as well as to blow one's nose. They are also used as a decorative accessory for formal events such as weddings or parties. In some cultures, handkerchiefs are given as gifts or used as a symbol of luck or love. There are several types of handkerchiefs, including plain white ones, patterned ones, and embroidered ones. Some people prefer to use disposable tissues instead of handkerchiefs, but others argue that handkerchiefs are more environmentally friendly as they can be washed and reused. 您可能还想了解: 俯仰生姿的意思是什么 俯字组词 俯可以怎么组词 Handkerchiefs have also been featured in literature and popular culture. In William Shakespeare's play Othello, the handkerchief plays a significant role in the plot. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, the protagonist Holden Caulfield carries a red hunting hat and a red handkerchief as symbols of his inpiduality. Overall, handkerchiefs have been a practical and fashionable item for centuries. Whether used for personal hygiene or as a decorative accessory, they continue to be a part of our daily lives. |
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