close closely的用法_closely词语用法及例句,读法!
Closely是一个常用的副词,可以表示“紧密地、近距离地、仔细地、密切地”等含义。在英语中,它常常用于修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,起到强调或限定的作用。 1. Watch closely(仔细观察) 例句:The teacher asked the students to watch closely as she demonstrated the experiment. 2. Listen closely(仔细听) 您可能还想了解: 冲破的近义词 冲锋陷阵造句 决一死战的意思 例句:I had to listen closely to understand what he was saying because he spoke very softly. 3. Follow closely(紧随其后) 例句:The police car followed closely behind the suspect's vehicle. 二、修饰形容词1. Closely related(紧密相关) 例句:The two subjects are closely related, so it's important to study them together. 2. Closely connected(密切相关) 例句:The success of the project is closely connected to the cooperation of all team members. 3. Closely monitored(密切监控) 例句:The patient's condition was closely monitored by the medical staff to ensure a quick recovery. 三、修饰其他副词1. Closely together(紧密地在一起) 例句:The dancers moved closely together in perfect synchronization. 2. Closely behind(紧随其后) 例句:The runner was closely behind the leader, waiting for an opportunity to overtake him. 3. Closely spaced(间距紧密) 例句:The trees were closely spaced, creating a dense forest that was difficult to navigate. 四、读法Closely的发音为/kloʊsli/,其中o的发音为长音,读作/klohz-lee/。注意不要将o的发音读成短音/klaʊsli/。 总结Closely是一个常用的副词,可以表示“紧密地、近距离地、仔细地、密切地”等含义。它可以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,起到强调或限定的作用。在使用时要注意语境和语气,使其表达更加准确、自然。 |