Bolt这个词语是一个多义词,可以用作名词、动词和形容词。在不同的语境中,它有不同的意义和用法。下面是一些关于bolt的用法及例句。 名词作为名词,bolt可以指以下几个意思: 1. 螺栓Bolt作为螺栓的意思,在机械制造和修理中经常出现。 例句: 您可能还想了解: 女流氓英语怎么说_女流氓的英文怎么说... 女校长英文翻译_女校的英文怎么说。 女性的英语单词怎么说_女性的英文怎么说... The bolt is too tight to loosen with a wrench.He replaced the old bolts with new ones.2. 闪电Bolt还可以指闪电,这个意思在天气预报和自然灾害报道中常用。 例句: The storm brought thunder and bolts of lightning.Lightning bolts struck several buildings during the storm.3. 策略Bolt也可以指策略、计划和行动。 例句: We need to come up with a new marketing bolt to increase sales.The company's new bolt for expansion involves opening stores in Asia.动词作为动词,bolt可以指以下几个意思: 1. 猛冲Bolt作为猛冲的意思,常用于描述人或动物突然奔跑的情况。 例句: The horse bolted when it saw the snake.She bolted from the room when she heard the news.2. 锁上Bolt还可以指锁上门窗等。 例句: Don't forget to bolt the door before you go to bed.He bolted the window shut to keep out the cold air.3. 吞下Bolt还可以指吞下食物或药物。 例句: He bolted his food so quickly that he got indigestion.She bolted the medicine down with a glass of water.形容词作为形容词,bolt可以指以下几个意思: 1. 突然的Bolt作为突然的意思,常用于描述某些事件或行为。 例句: He had a bolt realization that he had left his wallet at home.The bolt decision to cancel the concert disappointed many fans.2. 稳固的Bolt还可以指稳固的、牢固的。 例句: The bolt door prevented the burglar from entering the house.The bridge was held in place by several bolt cables.3. 极快的Bolt还可以指极快的、迅速的。 例句: She ran at a bolt pace to catch up with the others.The car drove at a bolt speed down the highway.以上就是关于bolt词语的用法及例句,它的多义性使其在不同的语境中有着不同的意义和用法。学会了这些用法,我们就可以更准确地理解和运用这个词语。 |
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