
网站小编 2023-07-28 11:40:23 4

There is a popular saying in Chinese that goes, "有理不可丢,无理不可争." It can be translated to mean, "When you have reason, do not let it go; when you do not have reason, do not argue." This saying emphasizes the importance of being rational and logical in our thoughts and actions.


When we have reason, it is important to hold onto it and not let it go. This means that we should have a clear understanding of our beliefs and values, and be able to articulate them in a convincing way. When we encounter situations where our beliefs are challenged, we should be able to defend them with sound reasoning and evidence. By doing so, we can strengthen our convictions and gain the respect of others.

On the other hand, when we do not have reason, it is important not to argue. This means that we should be humble and open-minded, and willing to listen to the opinions of others. We should not be afraid to admit when we are wrong or when we do not know something. By doing so, we can learn from others and expand our knowledge and understanding.

However, it is important to note that having reason does not mean that we should be stubborn or closed-minded. We should be willing to consider different perspectives and be open to changing our beliefs if new evidence or information arises. Similarly, not having reason does not mean that we should blindly accept the opinions of others. We should still be critical thinkers and evaluate information for ourselves.




In today's world, where social media and online communication have made it easy for people to express their opinions, it is more important than ever to be rational and logical in our thinking. We are constantly bombarded with information and opinions, and it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. By following the principle of "有理不可丢,无理不可争," we can navigate this complex landscape and make informed decisions.

In conclusion, the saying "有理不可丢,无理不可争" reminds us of the importance of being rational and logical in our thoughts and actions. We should hold onto our beliefs when we have reason, and be open-minded when we do not. By doing so, we can gain the respect of others, expand our knowledge and understanding, and make informed decisions in today's complex world.

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