Bearing是一个非常常用的词汇,其意思包含了许多方面。在本文中,我们将会探讨bearing的用法及例句,以及它的读法。 用法Bearing可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。下面分别介绍: 名词作为名词,bearing通常指方向或位置的表示,也可以指人的举止或行为。例如: He had a confident bearing that impressed everyone in the room.The compass provides the ship's bearing.The pilot adjusted the plane's bearing to avoid turbulence.动词作为动词,bearing通常指支撑或承受重量的能力,也可以指引导或确定方向。例如: 您可能还想了解: 混乱与秩序的英文怎么说混乱与秩序的英文怎么说 老黑用英文怎么说_黑老头的英文怎么说! 黑夜的英文怎么说呀_黑夜的英文怎么说! The foundation must be strong enough to bear the weight of the building.The map will help us to bear left at the next intersection.The responsibility of a leader is to bear the burden of decision-making.形容词作为形容词,bearing通常指举止端庄、自信或有决心。例如: She walked into the room with a bearing that commanded attention.The soldier's bearing was a reflection of his rigorous training.The CEO's bearing conveyed authority and experience.例句下面是一些常用bearing的例句: He carried himself with a confident bearing that impressed everyone in the room.The ship's bearing was off by a few degrees, causing it to drift off course.The weight of the boxes was too much for him to bear alone.She had a regal bearing that made her stand out in any crowd.The responsibility of being a parent is not easy to bear.The soldier's bearing reflected his rigorous training and discipline.The map showed us the correct bearing to take at the next intersection.Her bearing conveyed a sense of determination and resilience.The foundation must be strong enough to bear the weight of the building.He adjusted the machine's bearing to ensure it was running smoothly.读法Bearing的读音为 /ˈbɛrɪŋ/。其中,/b/是爆破音,/ɛ/是前不圆唇元音,/r/是卷舌音,/ɪ/是短元音,/ŋ/是鼻音。 结论在这篇文章中,我们探讨了bearing的用法及例句,以及它的读法。无论是作为名词、动词还是形容词,bearing都是一个非常常用的词汇,它的意义涵盖了许多方面。希望这篇文章能够帮助你更好地理解和运用bearing这个词汇。 |
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