英语诗歌经典写父母的英语诗歌 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都对那些朗朗上口的诗歌很是熟悉吧,诗歌具有音韵和谐,节奏鲜明,读起来朗朗上口的特点。那什么样的诗歌才是经典的呢?以下是小编为大家收集的英语诗歌经典写父母的英语诗歌,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 A Parents Love I gave you life,but cannot live it for you. I can teach you things,but I cannot make you learn. I can give you directions,but I cannot be there to lead you. I can allow you freedom,but I cannot account for it. I can take you to church,but I cannot make you believe. I can teach you right from wrong,but I cannot always decide for you. I can buy you beautiful clothes,but I cannot make you beautiful inside. I can offer you advice,but I cannot accept it for you. I can give you love,but I cannot force it upon you. I can teach you to share,but I cannot make you unselfish. I can teach you respect,but I cannot force you to show honor. I can advise you about friends,but cannot choose them for you. I can advise you about sex,but I cannot keep you pure. I can tell you the facts of life,but I can't build your reputation. I can tell you about drinking,but I can't say "no" for you. I can warn you about drugs,but I can't prevent you from using them. I can tell you about lofty goals,but I can't achieve them for you. I can teach you about kindness,but I can't force you to be gracious. I can warn you about sins,but I cannot make you moral. I can love you as a child,but I cannot place you in God's family. I can pray for you,but I cannot make you walk with God. I can teach you about Jesus,but I cannot make Jesus your Lord. I can tell you how to live,but I cannot give you eternal life. I can love you with unconditional love all of my life . . . and I will! Dream Of A Day When I was a little girl,I always dreamed of this day,I knew the words off by heart,I knew exactly what I would say. And I imagined my Daddy,walking me down that aisle,I could see the look on his face,I could see the pride in his smile. But life doesn't always run to plan,I guess that's plain to see,and some things just go and happen,some things are just meant to be. But this is meant to be a happy day,happier for others than for some,and I just wanted to share some thoughts,because I wanted to tell you about my Mom: My mother has been my inspiration,she has guided me throughout my life,and there are some words that I need to say,especially now that I'm a wife :) You've always been there for me,just when I needed you the most,and in a moment, we'll drink to you,in a moment, to you we shall raise a toast. Because you have shown me what love is for,and the love that two people can have for one another,you have shown me how to be a devoted wife,and of course, how to be a wonderful mother. Those six years were very tough,but that's just when the tough got going,and you showed Dad all of your love,and gee, you did a lot of showing ! Even though you've lost the love of your life,(and this is one of those meaningful rhymes),The Lord will give you all of His strength,to get you through your more difficult times. And I will also always be there for you,if you ever need a shoulder or a helping hand,pided we shall fall and be conquered,but together and united we will make a stand. And if you need someone to just sit and listen,then I'll be there just for you,because after everything you've done for me,this is the very least that I can do. Today, I felt my father's spirit,I could feel him proudly looking on,I could feel his love for us all,I could feel where his love brightly shone. He just wants you to be happy,I know this from deep inside my heart,and he knows that he will love you forever,and he knows that you'll never truly part. And all that he will ever wish,and this my dearest wish too,is that I have such a wonderful marriage,and that I'm loved as much as he loved you. And today, my Daddy's spirit was with me,and he did indeed walk me down that aisle,and I imagined the look upon his face,and yes, it was a very proud smile. 【英语诗歌经典写父母的英语诗歌】 |
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